Gaming on Google Cloud


Welcome to the Gaming on Google Cloud gHack! In this gHack, you will have the opportunity to explore and utilize the advanced features and capabilities offered by Google Cloud to develop and deploy gaming applications. You will be learning to implement and leverage:

  • Agones Game Server: Build scalable and reliable game server infrastructure using the Agones Game Server, which provides managed Kubernetes clusters specifically designed for game hosting.
  • Open Match: Create matchmaking systems with Open Match, an open-source matchmaking framework that enables flexible and customizable matchmaking logic to ensure fair and enjoyable multiplayer experiences.

Solution Architecture

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this gHack are:

  • Create a Multiplayer Game Infrastructure: Build a scalable and reliable game infrastructure using the Agones Game Server, allowing players to connect and interact in a multiplayer gaming environment.
  • Implement Matchmaking Logic: Customize and deploy a matchmaking system using Open Match to match up players.



  • Your own GCP project with Owner IAM role.
  • A basic understanding of Docker and Kubernetes.
  • Access to an environment with the following:
    • gcloud (>= 410.0.0)
    • node.js (>= v19.1.0)

      Note Cloud Shell has these pre-installed.


  • Damian Lance
  • Gino Filicetti
  • Robert Bailey
  • Mark Mandel
  • Zach Loafman
  • Daniel Wang