Challenge 3: Deploy and manage a Fleet

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Deploy a ‘Dedicated Gaming Server’ to your Agones cluster and demonstrate its functionality.


Your task is to deploy an Agones GameServer of Space Agon in Google Cloud and play test it with your team. This will require you to do the following:

  • Build a Docker image for the Space Agon dedicated server and push it to your project’s Artifact Registry with the following code:
    docker build . -f Dedicated.Dockerfile -t $REGISTRY/space-agon-dedicated:0.1
    docker push $REGISTRY/space-agon-dedicated:0.1
  • Write and apply a gameserver.yaml file for Space Agon with the following specifications:
    • Container Port: 2156
    • Protocol: TCP
    • Set resource requests and limits of:
      • Memory: 200Mi
      • CPU: 500m

Success Criteria

  • GKE shows a GameServer is deployed.
  • You are able to play a game of SpaceAgon with your team by first connecting to http://<YOUR-FRONTEND-IP> and then clicking Connect to Server and providing your GameServers IP address and port.


  • A gameserver.yaml is in the Space Agon root directory and has a note on port specifications and compute requests.
  • If the web client is stuck showing the loading message, refreshing it should fix the issue.

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