
Welcome to the coach’s guide for The IoT Hack of the Century gHack. Here you will find links to specific guidance for coaches for each of the challenges.

Remember that this hack includes a optional lecture presentation that features short presentations to introduce key topics associated with each challenge. It is recommended that the host present each short presentation before attendees kick off that challenge.

Note If you are a gHacks participant, this is the answer guide. Don’t cheat yourself by looking at this guide during the hack!

Coach’s Guides

  • Challenge 1: Provision an IoT environment
    • Create an IoT Hub and run tests to ensure it can ingest telemetry
  • Challenge 2: Your First Device
    • Make the connection to your Edge device and see that it is properly provisioned.
  • Challenge 3: Connecting the World
    • Connect your device and make sure it can see all other devices in your team.
  • Challenge 4: Scalable Monitoring of Telemetry
    • Figure out the scale problem in the world of IoT. How do you hand trillions of data points of telemetry?

Coach Prerequisites

This hack has prerequisites that a coach is responsible for understanding and/or setting up BEFORE hosting an event. Please review the gHacks Hosting Guide for information on how to host a hack event.

The guide covers the common preparation steps a coach needs to do before any gHacks event, including how to properly setup Google Meet and Chat Spaces.

Student Resources

Before the hack, it is the Coach’s responsibility create and make available needed resources including:

  • Files for students
  • Lecture presentation
  • Terraform scripts for setup (if running in the customer’s own environment)

Follow these instructions to create the zip files needed and upload them to your gHack’s Google Space’s Files area.

Always refer students to the gHacks website for the student guide: https://ghacks.dev

Note Students should NOT be given a link to the gHacks Github repo before or during a hack. The student guide intentionally does NOT have any links to the Coach’s guide or the GitHub repo.

Additional Coach Prerequisites (Optional)

Please list any additional pre-event setup steps a coach would be required to set up such as, creating or hosting a shared dataset, or preparing external resources.

Google Cloud Requirements

This hack requires students to have access to Google Cloud project where they can create and consume Google Cloud resources. These requirements should be shared with a stakeholder in the organization that will be providing the Google Cloud project that will be used by the students.

Please list Google Cloud project requirements.

For example:

  • Google Cloud resources that will be consumed by a student implementing the hack’s challenges
  • Google Cloud permissions required by a student to complete the hack’s challenges.

Suggested Hack Agenda (Optional)

This section is optional. You may wish to provide an estimate of how long each challenge should take for an average squad of students to complete and/or a proposal of how many challenges a coach should structure each session for a multi-session hack event. For example:

  • Sample Day 1
    • Challenge 1 (1 hour)
    • Challenge 2 (30 mins)
    • Challenge 3 (2 hours)
  • Sample Day 2
    • Challenge 4 (45 mins)
    • Challenge 5 (1 hour)
    • Challenge 6 (45 mins)

Repository Contents

The default files & folders are listed below. You may add to this if you want to specify what is in additional sub-folders you may add.

  • README.md
    • Student’s Challenge Guide
  • solutions.md
    • Coach’s Guide and related files
  • ./resources
    • Resource files, sample code, scripts, etc meant to be provided to students. (Must be packaged up by the coach and provided to students at start of event)
  • ./artifacts
    • Terraform scripts and other files needed to set up the environment for the gHack
  • ./images
    • Images and screenshots used in the Student or Coach’s Guide


  • Setting Up the Environment (if not on Qwiklabs)
    • Before we can hack, you will need to set up a few things.
    • Run the instructions on our Environment Setup page.

Challenge 1: Provision an IoT environment

Notes & Guidance

This is the only section you need to include.

Use general non-bulleted text for the beginning of a solution area for this challenge

  • Then move into bullets
    • And sub-bullets and even
      • sub-sub-bullets

Break things apart with more than one bullet list

  • Like this
  • One
  • Right
  • Here